Should I Animate In Adobe Animate Or Toonboom?

Should I Animate In Adobe Animate Or Toonboom?

This blog is going to be structured in a way where I assign a program for a specific type of person or workflow. I’m doing things like this to avoid a generic “spec war” kind of thing. The reason being that, you can have a spec list but it won’t tell the whole story for someone who is just getting started, or can get into the more specific demands of a niche animator.

On Critiquing Media

On Critiquing Media

Hello readers! This is something I’ve been thinking a lot about, and have wanted to write on this topic for some time. Criticism and how to do it, is something that seemingly no one talks about, and you can tell because there are many people who struggle to inform, and come from an emotional place where their points get garbled up by their incoherence.

Why I Haven’t Made Any Shorts This Year

Why I Haven’t Made Any Shorts This Year

Over the last few years, I have been the most productive I have ever been when it comes to creating work. When you count my shorts, illustrations, commissions and the full-time work I’ve done, it becomes pretty clear I’ve been fairly prolific. This level of work comes at a severe cost though, which is last year I went through the most severe burnout I’ve ever had. I’ve wrote about burnout on this blog before, so I won’t go into detail on this post. 

Everybody Starts Off Bad At Something

Everybody Starts Off Bad At Something

Hello friends! I had the idea for this blog after I started up on several new hobbies. Several you say? Why yes! I’ll also be adding to that as well. Recently, I’ve started to learn how to play and make music, started studying Cinema 4D, and started learning calligraphy and lettering. I’ll talk more about my experiences with these new hobbies in a future blog and as I develop, but the content of today’s post is simple. If you’re new to something, you’re not going to be good at it.

What I’ve been learning: 2020

What I’ve been learning: 2020

I think it’s very important to learn new things and push yourself to your limit and bypass it. One of my mantras is to “always grow”. There are some things I learn out of curiosity, some I learn to connect with others, and so on. The point is to keep your mind moving. The more you learn, the easier learning new things becomes. So here’s what’s been on my learning agenda for 2020.

3 Common Sense Things You Must Do When Putting Together A Reel

3 Common Sense Things You Must Do When Putting Together A Reel

Getting work is, obviously very important, but I feel that animators aren’t really taught what makes a good reel. Not good as in “wow that was fun to watch”, but good as in you’ll become gainfully employed from it. The reel is the most important asset in your arsenal as an animator, but many have a hard time putting together the right content to maximize its utility.