Status Updates #1

Lay of the land

Four years with my content strategy and the biggest lesson is the landscape changes so much that you have to be super adaptable. It can be very discouraging. I’ve wanted to quit for a while, but I can’t ignore social media’s continued importance in the art space.

Usually, every year I write a list of the changes I have to make to adapt to the landscape. This year is a bit different as I think it’s time to completely reorient myself. Making content is hard, time consuming and to be honest: not my strong suit. I have a traditional art background, so the idea of making content, gives me the ‘ick’. Unfortunately it doesn’t matter what I think, I have to be willing to change.

In the coming months I’m going to be working on some new adaptions so I can stay in the game, without letting it get to me. This might come in the form of fewer uploads, but longer videos but I’m not 100% sure yet. Ultimately the goal is I want to be able to make my shorts forever, without letting the various algorithm changes impacting performance get to me.

This means I’m trying to find a middle ground between giving the platforms what they want, and getting what I want. I’ve had some personal hangups about what I want my personal pages to be and I think I’ve made things more complicated than necessary, so I’d like to take time to really feel back on the unnecessary and focus on what really matters.


I have to be a bit vague for now because I honestly don’t know where I’m headed with this new outlook, but once I have some solid plans I’ll blog about it.

-Until next time-


Animation Short - Prescription Pal


Animation Short - Chad Feminist