Taking Breaks And A New Direction


Welcome back readers. This will be a short blog. I wanted to talk a bit about giving yourself some time to rejuvenate your creative juices. Creating art is exhausting. Anyone who creates can tell you that, however we tend to neglect ourselves in lieu of creating something. That’s all well and fine for a small time of our lives, but as we age it becomes important to periodically stop and re-examine what it is you’re doing and if you’re happy with doing it. When you’re so focused on the act of making something, it becomes very difficult to think clearly.

A change of Pace

At the time of writing this blog I have just began doing some experiments, but I haven’t made an actual art piece in months. I’m not burned out or anything as bad as that, but I wanted to take time to readjust my expectations for making art these days. As stated previously, I am getting older, and I don’t want to create like I used to. I’m at a sort of creative crossroads. A part of me wants get back to making short films, and another part of me wants to continue pursuing social media and audience growth. While I see no need to abandon either road at the moment, I will say I am definitely gravitating more to the short film route.

The reason I find myself gravitating back toward shorts is that I’m not satisfied with the work that I’ve done in the latter half of my 20’s. I think there are many reasons for this dissatisfaction, but the thing I’m most concerned about now is making art that I’m proud of. For a long time I had been wavering on this thought, and had I not taken time off to re-examine where I was and what I wanted to do, I might have continued pursuing strategies that didn’t get me the things that I wanted or needed. Breaks such as this have allowed me to be more objective about my art, direction and generally myself as a person.


Ultimately, I’m still excited to create, but I want to make more meaningful and long lasting work and to build a legacy. I am hopeful that the time I’m taking off will lead me toward this new, exciting and long lasting direction.