
Thoughts About AI Art

Thoughts About AI Art

Art isn’t about technology, it is about people, emotions, relationships and the dialogue between the artist and the audience. Surprise surprise, ai can’t do any of that, not because it couldn’t be programmed, but because no one cares what robots have to say about the human experience. Your favorite art has the voice and story of a person behind it, and that’s what makes art valuable to people.

Year 1 - Moment of My Time

Year 1 - Moment of My Time

The development of this series was a bit more convoluted than my other stuff. I knew I wanted a third class of content to produce, but I didn’t have much else to go on. I started working on the idea way back in the spring. Unlike the storytime shorts, or meme stuff I didn’t have much to go off of in the development of this series. That said, I did have some ground rules: