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What I’ve been learning: 2020

What I’ve been learning: 2020

I think it’s very important to learn new things and push yourself to your limit and bypass it. One of my mantras is to “always grow”. There are some things I learn out of curiosity, some I learn to connect with others, and so on. The point is to keep your mind moving. The more you learn, the easier learning new things becomes. So here’s what’s been on my learning agenda for 2020.

5 Ways To Get Out of Artist Block

5 Ways To Get Out of Artist Block

Welcome back readers. Here's a blog that I feel many of you can empathize with. Having artist's block is not fun, so I thought it'd be good to discuss what we as artists and creatives can do to alleviate the stress of artist's block. I decided to write this blog now because it's something I've suffered from for many years. As I got older and married my craft, it has happened much less. Getting stuck isn't fun, so I hope my experience and thoughts can help you get it off whatever rut you're in.